Volvo 1800E Coupe 1.8 Litre


THE VOLVO 1800 coupe was first shown as a prototype in January 1960, so it qualifies nicely for Volvo's slogan "The II-year car." Though running changes-particularly those in this new E version-have kept its performance and handling up with the times, its body is hopelessly outdated in both style and function, having never been particularly good in the first place.
E stands for einspritzer, we guess-for the 1800E has the Bosch electronic fuel-injection system that is being adopted by so many European manufacturers as a way to get more power, meet the American emission limits and still get clean running. "Brain" of the system is a box full of solid-state electronic components that lives under the dash; ram-length intake pipes and "wilder" valve timing take advantage of the injection's precise metering to get 12 more bhp and 7 more lb-ft torque than the carbureted 2-liter Volvo engine at no increase in engine speed. Other changes for the E include jazzy styling touches headed by some cast aI10y spoked wheels, flow-through ventilation system with outlets in the rear flanks and a nicer instrument panel, the beefier gearbox of the 164 and 4-wheel disc brakes as used on other V olvos. Overdrive continues to be standard equipment, and a heated rear window now is too.
Two liters and injection make the E a much stronger car than the last 1.8-liter 1800S we tested. The engine, noted for its durability rather than refinement-it's neither mechan
icaI1y smooth nor quiet in the coupehas good low-speed torque as well as the ability to pull nicely all the way to its 6500-rpm redline, and in overdrive the car will now do an honest 115 mph. The 0-60 mph and 14-mile times are quite respectable too, putting the 1800E into the same class with such as the Alfa 1750, BMW 2500 or Mercedes 280SL. Furthermore, the engine runs cleanly without any trace of emission-control leanness symptoms and uses very little more fuel than the earlier test car.
The hefty lever on the new gearbox gives one an impression of unbreakability that is borne out by the gearbox itself; we manhandled the box unmercifuI1y in the acceleration tests and found it capable of taking the fastest slam shifts without a crunch. The linkage was a bit stiff on the test car but this should improve with more miles. Overdrive, the Laycock-de NormanviIle unit which shifts hydraulically' and without lifting of the throttle foot, gives high cruising speeds with little mechanical strain although it engages jerkily.
Driving the 1800 always takes us back in time. The windshield and steering wheel (a nice new one with padded rim) are extremely close, putting the doors so far back that one has to reach across himself with his inboard arm to wind the windows; and the windowsills are so high as to make us feel as if we're sitting in a deep bathtub. The control layout isn't bad, nor are the instruments which are handsomer than ever; however, the speedometer in the test car was outrageously optimistic. Nice touches, like the good 3-point belts and the excellent seats (which, incredibly, on our test car didn't have the legally required seatback locks) with their adjustable lumbar section, are offset by poor assembly and detail design here and there-for instance, terrific wind noise caused by poorly sealing windwings or an overdrive light that's blindingly bright.
Over all kinds of roads the 1800E has a good ride though it is prone to pitching on gently undulating pavement; there is adequate vertical suspension travel so that it takes large bumps and dips in stride, and well designed linkage for the rear live axle minimizes the usual failing-primarily wheel hop-of this type of suspension. The steel-belted Michelin radials. replacing Pirelli Cinturatos used before, give noticeably increased cornering power but transmit considerable drumming to a body structure already prone to rattles.
Handling is smooth and predictable. The steering has a great feel to it that really tells the driver what's going on and to boot it's light and quick classically good sports-car steering. In enthusiastic driving it's possible to hang out the tail by a twitch of the wheel and then keep it out by application of power-all with little danger of overdoing anything because the car is so stable-but most drivers will be content to enjoy the pleasant response that the 1800E exhibits when merely being driven briskly. It’s a good car for the novice driver, but an experienced and capable one can enjoy its handling as well.
The new disc brakes are a definite improvement over our last 18005; panic-stop capability is up from 68% g to 81 %. Fade is a moderate 25% but we really expected no fade at all in the tests; pedal effort is light but not too light and in the all-out stop the car stays in a straight line even though there is a mild tendency to wheel lockup.
To summarize, Volvo has kept the performance, handling and braking of the 1800 up to date. But in style, accommodations, refinement of running and the use of available, body space, it has fallen way behind the times, and though it costs over $4500 it doesn't even have outstanding assembly quality to offset these drawbacks. If we were to ask for a new model from Volvo-and we sincerely hope that they aren't giving up on the sports GT market when the 1800 runs down-we'd request a car about the same size as the 1800E but with true 2 + 2 seating rather than the "2 + 1" it now has, better noise and vibration isolation and assembly quality, and the same mechanical package underneath. Then we might have a Volvo GT worth $4600.


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Author: ArchitectPage

Time to distance, see:
0-100 ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .3.4
0-250 ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.2
0-500 ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.6
0-750 ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.3
0-1000 ft ..14.7
0-1320 ft (Y4 mi) .:.17.5
Speed at end of Y4 mi, mph... .80 Time to speed, see:
0-30 mph.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.5
0-40 mph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.2
0-50 mph... .7.1
0-60 mph . . . . .. .. . . .. .10.1
0-70 mph... . '.. .. .. . .. .. ..13.1
0-80 mph .. .16.8
0-100 mph .32.9
Passing exposure time, see:
To pass car going 50 mph.. ..6.5

Normal driving, mpg .20.9
Cruising range, mi .245

O'drive (5480 rpm). . . . . . . . . . .115
4th (6500) 108
3rd (6500) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
2nd (6500). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
1 st (6500) 35
Panic stop from 80 mph:
Deceleration rate, % g. . . . . . .81
Stopping distance, ft .310
Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . very good
Fade test: percent increase in pedal effort to maintain
50%-g deceleration rate in 6 stops from 60
mph .25
Parking: Hold 30% grade? .. . . yes
Overall brake rating . very good
30 mph indicated is actually.. .26.0
40 mph.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35.2
60 mph.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 53.2
70 mph.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 62.3
80 mph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .71.0
100 mph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88.0
Odometer, 10.0 mi .....................9.46


List price, east coast. . . . . . . . $4555
List price, west coast. . . . . . . $4655
Price as tested. . . . . . . . . . . . . $4655

Volvo Inc., Rockleigh, N.J. 07647

Type. . . . . . . . . . . .4 cyl inline, ohv
Bore x stroke, mm. . . . .89.0 x 80.0
Equivalent in .3.50 x 3.15
Displacement, cc/cu in.. .1986/121
Compression ratio... . . . . . . .10.5:1
Bhp @ rpm . . . . . . . . . .130 @ 6000
Equivalent mph. . . . . . . .. . . .133
Torque @ rpm. . . . . . .130 @ 3500
Equivalent mph . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Fuel injection. ... . Bosch electronic
Type fuel required . . . premium
Emission control. . . . . fuel injection
Body/frame. . . . . . . . . . . . unit steel
Brake type: 10.6-in. disc front,
11.6-in. disc rear, vacuum assisted.
Swept area, sq in. . . .. ., .. .400
Wheels. .. .cast aluminum, 15 x 5J
Tires. . .., . . . Michelin XAS 165-15
Steering type. : . . . . . worm & roller
Overall ratio 15.5:1
Turns, lock-to-Iock . .3.25
Turning circle, ft. . . .29.9
Front suspension: unequal-length A-arms, coil springs, tube shocks, anti-roll bar
Rear suspension: live axle on trailing arms with Panhard rod, coil springs, tube shocks

Transmission. . . . .4-speed manual
plus overdrive
Gear ratios: o'drive (0.797)..3.42:1
4th (1.00) 4.30:1
3rd (1.34) ..5.76:1
2nd (1.97) . . . . . . . . . . .8.47:1
1st (3.14) ..14.50:1
Final drive ratio : .4.30:1
Seating capacity, persons... .2+1
Seat width, front/rear.2 x 19.5/39.5
Head room, front/rear.. .38.0/28.0 Seat
back adjustment, degrees. .10
Driver comfort rating (scale of 100):
Driver 69 in. tall. . . . . . . . . . . .90
Driver 72 in. tall. . . ..85
Driver 75 in. tall. . . :.. .65

Instruments: 120-mph speedometer, 7000-rpm tachometer, 999,999 odo, 999.9 trip odo, oil press, oil temp, water temp, fuel level, clock.
Warnin'g lights: brake system, overdrive, generator, high beam, directionals, hazard flasher.

Service intervals, mi: .
Oil change ..6000
Filter change. .6000
Chassis lube ..6000
Minor tuneup 6000
Major tuneup. . . . . . . . . . .12,000
Warranty, mo/mi. . .. .6/unlimited
Curb weight, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . .2535 T
est weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2835
Weight distribution (with
driver), front/rear, %. .. .51/49
Wheelbase, in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96.5
Track, front/rear. . . . . . .51.6/51.6
Overall length. .171.3
Width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66.9
Height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50.4
Ground clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . .6.1
Overhang, front/rear... .30.2/44.6
Usable trunk space, cu ft. . . . . .8.1
Fuel tank capacity, U.S. gal. . .11.8

lb/bhp (test weight). . . . . . . . .21.8
Mph/l000 rpm (o'drive) .20.8
Engine revs/mi (60 mph) .2880
Engine speed @ 70 mph .3360
Piston travel, ftjmi... . . . . . . .1510 Cu ft/ton mi (4th gear).. . . . . .89.5
R&T wear index .44
R&T steering index .0.97
Brake swept area sq in/ton... .283